

“Bexi stands out from other online mindset coaches, her heart shows how genuinely passionate she is about helping women of all ages, shapes, and sizes. I met Bexi at the beginning of 2024 and she's been guiding me for four months now. Her coaching has really opened my eyes to how important boundaries are for staying mentally and physically healthy. Plus, she's shown me how eating better can make a big difference. Bexi isn't just a coach—she's got this amazing mix of caring wisdom and down-to-earth charm that's truly inspiring.”



"One of the many things Bexi has taught me is how to dress more feminine and how to put the effort in the way I dress. I never realized how powerful it would make me feel. I love how Bexi talks about femininity, positivity, mindset and just living your best life the way you want to live it! Bexi is like the big sister I needed when I was younger, I can ask her anything and she will give me the best possible advice. Many of my friends have said to me: "you've changed or you look so much better or you're make-up/clothes look so much better" And honestly, I can see it myself as well. I am not the same person as I was a year ago and it's mostly thanks to dearest Bexi, I'm beyond grateful for her and her teachings."



“Bexi has been coaching me for a little over a year now. She is full of light energy and I feel very comfortable when I’m around her. I have learnt a lot about embodying my divine feminine energy and how important it is to be in our ‘being’ phase more than our ‘doing’ and learning to thrive instead of being in survival mode. It has been a pleasure working with her and I am open to learn and grow.”


"Bexi has changed my life! I have been working with Bexi for over a year and reading her e-books, I am now more in touch with my feminine side, for example, I can receive things from men without feeling like I have to give something back, my self-esteem has increased and I am more intentional with how I interact with others and I am also more intentional with what I put into my body. Recently, I have also had people say that l'm fun to be around because of the changes Bexi has helped me make. This has led me to have more positive interactions with men."



"This 4-week feminine mindset and social media coaching programme with Bexi was so grounding and beautiful! I came to her feeling stuck, in a place of lack, and letting my limiting beliefs hold me back. I knew I had to get my thoughts in order to pursue my passion of becoming a coach like her, but I didn't believe I could do it with my scattered mindset. Bexi helped me develop a growth-oriented approach toward my goals and gave me the essential steps to create my own femininity coaching business. In just 3 weeks, l've grown my social media account from 200 followers to over 4,200! Our weekly calls were something | looked forward to - her energy is so peaceful and divine. I'm so glad I took the leap and trusted her to help me on my journey. I'm forever thankful for her and her services!"


"Bexi helped me gain clarity with certain areas of my life, whilst providing solutions. She coached me about romantic relationships and how to elevate my mindset. She also helped me in our second call to get started in the creation of my small food business. I love how she treats her clients, like a sister and a friend. I love how calm she is, she has inspired me to become more relaxed and patient. If you are like me who is sensitive to words, I would recommend Bexi, she chooses her words wisely, she is empathetic & understanding."



"Bexi has supported me since I first started my self-development journey. She is amazing at what she does and has helped me tremendously even before I started coaching with her. She has completely shifted my mindset and allowed me to tap into my femininity. Bexi has offered me great advice which I have applied and I am excited to continue coaching with her and develop healthier habits. She has ultimately opened me up to see life through a different lens."




"Bexi has made a huge impact in my life! This is something ! would say only a few people have been able to do. It's been over a week since my 1 to 1 coaching with her and I feel so refreshed and been so productive. I've been acting more feminine, productive and been so good with my diet, leaving me feel more awake. I can honestly say purchasing her ebooks is one of the best investments I have made. They are so unique with a lot of informative value, I thought I knew but didn't. Forever grateful!"



"Bexi has helped me in so many ways. She's helped me through my mental health difficulties. She sat patiently with me to overcome them over call. She is the most consistent person I know. Bexi made me feel okay to not be okay at times, whilst also teaching me that I need to pick myself back up and never fall into a cycle. She's taught me the art of meditation. She's taught me about health and why certain foods you consume are so important and she taught me overall how to be a kinder person. Because you attract what you are. We have been working together since the 2021 & 1 am so grateful."



"I was in a very stuck place before I came across Bexi Lucy. She is such a breath of fresh air. Her E books are incredible and really teach you how to flourish and nourish your feminine side. She has helped me both in my relationship and myself, putting her advice into practice throughout each day. She has helped me so much, she has such a nurturing and calm soul. I highly recommend you to other women that are in need of some guidance or a helping hand in the right direction."




"Getting to know Bexi was such a blessing. She’s full of gems, a powerful and inspiring young woman. I remember in 2021 when I had my first 1-1 call with her she gave me great advice on how to navigate with my mental health and negative people regardless if it’s Family, Friends or Coworkers. That was very helpful. Not only does she give great advice but her Social Media makes you think more about living your life with intentions. People like Bexi are needed in our Society."



"I Have loved working with Bexi! It’s amazing to be able to speak to someone so like-minded with nothing but pure intentions! I also love waking up to her posts to start the day & Bexi helps to keep me consistently working on myself. Love our conversations and reading her blogs! Amazing! Just amazing!"




"I went through a lot of traumatic experiences as a child which led to severe anxiety and depression. Bexi has helped me change my beliefs and heal from the past which I will forever be grateful for. She’s such a pure, beautiful soul and like a big sister to me. Thank you for doing this for people and bringing such a big change to this world!"



"Having the mentorship from Bex I feel like a divine feminine woman. She's helped me in my mindset, she taught me how to work with my social media pages and now I have doubled in following and engagement, and most importantly she has guided me to know myself on a deeper and more spiritual level. I can say that I am so much more confident in myself and it's thanks to God for blessing me with a women like bex in my life. She's a force of nature and a voice of wisdom and her knowledge of different topics supersedes every expectation. I love connecting with the E-books she has written as I find so much power in the words she expresses. I will always cherish her, she is a role model every young needs.”



"Bexi has supported me in gaining clarity about what I want for myself. Through our calls, she has advised me so well in the areas of mindset, routine and having boundaries - to name a few. I am glad that I have been supported by her since October 2021"



"Since working with Bexi, I’ve not only managed to grow and improve the layout of my Instagram page but I’ve also learnt different methods to find content to post - which was one of my biggest struggles. I achieved all this after just 2 sessions with her!"



"Bexi has helped me find myself after a devastating breakup. She is consistent, very inspirational, always positive and extremely helpful. She has helped me develop my knowledge on spirituality and physical health.. really taught me how to be happy on my own, and how to truly embrace my femininity whilst learning to build up my confidence and independence. Bexi always responds to messages fairly quickly and takes her time to genuinely reply and check up on me in doing so. Very grateful to have come across such an inspirational, high vibrational and knowledgeable woman like herself, not once have I seen a negative post. I would 100% recommend Bexi, I trust her wholeheartedly." 



"I have had 1:1 coaching with Bexi since 2021. They have helped me to build my confidence and find my self-worth. Bexi pushes me to work hard toward all my goals, I am so grateful for her. Her e-book ‘divine feminine’ especially helped me to increase my feminine energy there were so many tips and information in there I had never seen before. I would 100 % recommend her E-books and book 1:1 calls with her!"



"I started working with Bexi towards the end of 2022 & I can say she's been amazing. She is kind, and thoughtful and gives great advice. Her knowledge of different topics is great. She has helped me to develop an abundant mindset & change my thought process to a more positive one, as well as helping me to become more feminine. Something that stood out for me is when she offered to help me pick out outfits for my holiday & sent me a load of different items."