What Is The Soul?

What Is The Soul?

One of life’s big questions.. What is the soul 


This journey of discovery can only be explored by you. Your body is your physical structure.. your soul is who you are, it lives on after this body that you are currently in passes.. it never dies.

You will notice in the mirror that you have aged from 10 years ago, but that is not who you are.. you are timeless and not limited by the body you are in. The soul carries lessons & messages from past lives and the future.. it is our innermost being.

Your soul is your spirit, it is beautiful, unique and special. We all have souls. It is who we are. The body allows us to have experiences only. Your soul is what you have left. It is you. 


For example during sexual intercourse, you are exchanging energies, which transmit via souls (this is where the term soul ties fit in) you must be mindful of who you let come into contact with you in this way. This can be very damaging to ones-self.

Imagine someone has a dark soul, they are depressed, they have no purpose in life etc.. you have now taken some of their energy into yourself & you must suffer the consequences that come with that energy exchange. Even with the term soulmates, the soul loves to be attached, when we seek/find our soul mate it is not what the individual looks like in physical form, it is deeper within. 


Think of your soul as YOU, a special aura within you that you must treat like royalty, like gold, do not let anyone or anything damage it because each time you let someone disrespect you or hurt you.. they are taking away pieces of your soul that you now have to get back. Getting pieces of your soul back is a journey and only some will be willing to take it on.

We are here for a purpose, a greater purpose than just living to survive. Your soul is eternal, your longest form. You may feel like you have been alive for much longer than you have, that is simply because you have been, but in different forms and bodies.

You may have experienced deja vu, this is where you feel as though you have experienced this feeling or moment before. This could be your soul's way of telling you that you experienced this in a past life, proving that the soul is eternal.

Whether you are religious, spiritual or both.. we all have a soul. You can be either or be both. 


Ways to connect with your soul:

- Meditate

- Journal 

- Travel

- Be of great service to others

- Spend time in nature

- Spend time alone

- Practice self-love

- Seek on finding the answers to the most unanswered questions

- Reflect on your manifestations

- Remove anything disturbing your vibration


To attract good souls you must become that soul you want to attract, you get what you think about most of the time.. like attracts like.

You must be patient, and get to know yourself deep within. Do things that you have never done before, your soul may be suppressed because you are living a forceful life, not by choice.

Your soul’s calling is a journey you must travel. If you can find yourself & become at one with your soul, you will move on to the next life peacefully.

These are the kind of questions we must ask ourselves daily to get to know the true meaning of life, existence & everything that there is. This branch of spirituality extends very wide. 


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With love,

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