The Things We Got For Free

The Things We Got For Free

Most people value the things that cost, over the things we got for free.


Think of some things we got for free, eg. the ability to think, our friends & family, meaningful conversations.

Now think of some things that cost, eg. cars, clothes, your phone, your home.


The things that we got for free are priceless. When damaged or lost, we cannot replace them. 

With the things that cost, we can easily replace them.


Is it not strange that most have a more emotional attachment to the things we buy?


We have to get into a mindset where we treat the priceless things as truly irreplaceable. 

You never know when your last conversation with someone is, you never know when someone or something could be gone.


On your death bed what you will want by your side is the ones you love. Not your cars, watches & designer clothes.


Before you do something, ask yourself 'am I doing this because I genuinely want to? Or am I doing this to gain approval from others?'  Each time you do things to gain approval from others, you lose a part of your soul.


Write a list of things that matter to you, and on the other side a list of things you currently do/have that you wouldn't mind if they were taken from you.


People will remember you for the value you had, the impact & inspiration you had on the world, not the expensive bag/watch you bought as a young adult.


Send a message to someone irreplaceable to you & thank them for everything. This can brighten someone's day. 



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With love,

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