10 Ways To Get Over Someone

10 Ways To Get Over Someone

Hey Kings & Queens, 

I know people will say ‘you will be okay.' It may not seem like it now, but time will pass & you will be fine. Think back to that time you never thought you would find happiness again, you always do. 

 Here are 10 ways to help you.


1. Accept it.

First, you need to accept the fact that it is over. You cannot move on if you are still holding onto the idea of this relationship still existing. It is finished, let it go. This is usually the hardest part.


2. Get a support system.

Speak to a couple of your closest friends. You may think you are annoying so want to close off, but trust me having those friends there to support you & give you the care you need is essential. They will also share their healing process with you.


3. Express your feelings.

Suppressing feelings can make it worse. Memories can trigger sad feelings of course, but if we cry & let our hurt at the beginning.. they will not feel as harsh on us. It is okay to be sad & cry, we are all human beings.


4. Clear out reminders of that person.

The more you hold on, the harder it is for you to move on. If you can help it, don’t ask for your clothes & belongings back (ask a friend if necessary), remove everything to do with them including removing them off of social media, especially if it ended badly.


5. Treat yourself.

Take yourself out to the spa, to get some new clothes, book a vacation, and do the things that you love most. Make yourself feel good, you deserve it.. do not neglect yourself. 


6. Heal.

You need to heal so that your future relationships are not jeopardised. Heal the wound, heal your heart. Get to the root of this & cleanse from there outwards. Do the mental work that needs to be done. Figure out how you can be better in your next relationships, what can you improve on, and did you heal from your relationship before this one? Ask yourself ‘if I interviewed my ex.. what would they say about our relationship in one word? And how would they describe me as a partner in one word?’


7. Focus on your goals.

Maybe you need some new goals, maybe you could work even harder. Make your goals your chief aim, you now have more time to work on improving yourself & creating the life you desire. This person will not be in your future anymore, but that does not mean that your life is deemed any less. Work so hard to make your dreams come to a reality.


8. What has this taught me?

God will test you by bringing them back into your life. You know that saying ‘they always come back’ or you will come across the same person just in a different body. But ask yourself ‘What have I learnt from this?’ What lessons have I come across during this period? You should know what you want, what went wrong, how to act accordingly next time & so on. Everyone we come across is either a lesson or a blessing. Some people are here for seasons, reasons or a lifetime.


9. Be grateful.

It was a lucky escape, the universe has something better in store for you. Big things are about to happen for you, but unfortunately, that person could not come along, maybe they were blocking your blessings & you did not know it. Be grateful that it did not work out. If it was meant to be, it would be. They may have a special place in your heart but there are almost 8 billion people on Earth. 


10. It is their Loss.

You have not even reached your full potential yet, again ‘they always come back’ they do, especially when you look good or you are doing good. You are a blessing, never let anyone tell you otherwise.


You are amazing, beautiful & loved. The right person will come along. Stay positive, work on yourself. Become who you want to attract! 



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With love,

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You Really Resonate With Me, I Love & Apr Appreciate You; ThankY❤️U VeryMuch! You Are LoveLy,♥️Attractive, & Beautiful! Love At 1st Stite. B E 1’ST!


That Is It, BeCome Who You Want To Attract!
I Alway Say You Have To Be The Love You Seek! You Have ToBe L❤️VE YourSelf Personified!


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