The Art Of Journaling

The Art Of Journaling

Journaling is simply writing out your thoughts & feelings to understand yourself on a deeper level. It can help you take control of your life.

Remember, you cannot track what you do not record. 

You should be honest and express your feelings. The only person that has access to seeing your journal is you. 

I began journalling over a year ago. I have over fifteen journals, all of which I will carry with me into the future, and I may even let my children read them. I love looking back on my progress. The feeling when journaling brings me a sense of calmness & peace. It is good to journal daily and get into a habit of it. Sometimes I write 1 page, sometimes 3 or 4, it depends on my mood & what I need to express.


The journal you choose matters

When picking a journal, pick one that makes you feel happy, positive & excited to journal. Journalling should be your time to get imaginative, choose a visually appealing one.


When to journal

You can journal at any time of the day, in the morning to affirm your day or note your dreams. In the afternoon to show the progress of your day, or in the evening to record how your day has been. You can include notes from any books or podcasts you have read or listened to. 



I like to have a list of 10 affirmations, of things I will achieve, i re-write them daily. Once I have completed one, I stop writing that one. ‘I am so happy & grateful now that’ followed by what I would like to affirm. This is very powerful. I write in detail about how I would like my life to be in the near future, all of my desires & how I would like to transform. 


Why white paper & blue ink, and not on my phone? 

Always write on white paper with blue ink. It is better for memory storage and blue is a calming colour. It also helps with manifestation.



Instead of writing in silence, I like to write while listening to hertz. It keeps me focused & calm. Avoid writing whilst listening to music. 


Date & Time

I always write out the date and time, this is because when looking back you may notice something special with numbers, angel numbers, special dates, and times. 


Do I write when I feel good or bad?

You can write when you are feeling any emotion. It is good to let out any negative emotions. Writing them out can allow us to get them out of our system & feel good now, allowing us to vibrate at the highest frequency. However, we want to write much more positives than negatives. 


Below are some journal prompts. Think about using some of these when you journal.  

What did I learn today?

Something new I have tried today.

What can I improve on?

Something I did to make someone else smile.

Something I did to improve someone’s life.

Something someone did to make my day.

When do I feel most confident?

What is my favourite thing to do to treat myself?

What is unique about me?

What parts of my life am I happy about?

What parts of my life would I like to change?

How can I begin to change these parts?

What is something I need to forgive myself for?

2-year goals, 5-year goals, 10-year goals. 

A letter of gratitude to myself for the progress I have made.

A prayer to God.



Carry your journal with you, if it fits into your bag. Journalling when travelling can be therapeutic. 

Begin journaling today & see how different your life feels over time. 


Leave a comment below & let me know how this article has helped you out :) 


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With love,

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