Become A Master Of Your Life

Become A Master Of Your Life

Your journey only has to make sense to you.

Some things are a stepping stone into what you truly want to do. Do not be ashamed of your journey.

The first step is to do it, but most never do.

Go after the life you want, or settle for the one you get.


Take the opportunities that come your way. A risk is better than a what-if. 

If you don't like it.. you just stop doing it. Do not be scared to try new things, that one thing could change your life.


Things you should be seeking:

- becoming a master of your life

- happiness

- peace

- genuine friendships

- real connections

- joy

- to be unique & different

- connecting deep within yourself

- serving others

- connecting to the spiritual side of life

- growth


Things you should not be seeking:

- relying on external validation

- losing yourself just to fit in

- letting your pride get in the way

- hurting others to get what you want

- to remain comfortable

- settling for a mediocre life


Stop letting your friends & family decide what goes on in your life.


If you keep attracting the wrong types of people & situations you must change your vibration.


The day your life will begin to change is when you stop saying & thinking 'i can't' & start saying & thinking 'how can'


On your journey, there will be many failures,

each one is a step closer towards your destination.

You are not learning if you are not failing.

The more failures you come across, the higher your calling.



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With love,

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