Masculine to Divine Feminine

Masculine to Divine Feminine


Traits of a masculine woman:

1. Competing with men

2. You attract feminine men

3. Taking the lead with everything

4. Defensive

5. Independent (I don't need a man)

6. Always needs to be right

7. Giving over receiving

8. Loud instead of calm & soft


Before we go over some steps to go from a masculine woman to a woman in her divine feminine.... here are some things to bare in mind...

1. Do not seek femininity advice from feminists or masculine women

2. Avoid the independent life

3. Avoid being defensive

4. Avoid swearing & being loud

5. receive more than you give

6. Be more cooperative & agreeable 

7. Act like a wife before you become a wife

8. Be peaceful. Do not be annoying

10. Maintain a healthy body weight


Some simple ways to go from masculine to feminine:

1. Heal from your past trauma

2. Spend time with feminine women... energies are contagious

3. Make an effort with your appearance, look good as often as possible

4. Be vulnerable & open to receiving

5. Allow the man to lead

6. Avoid needing to be right all the time & arguing

7. Put yourself in being state of 'being' rather than 'doing'



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With love,


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