Hello beautiful people.. this is one of the biggest fears that holds us back in life.
You must take into consideration that fear is not real, you cannot hold it or see it, it is nothing but our imagination. Don’t let the fear of other people’s opinions hold you back! It’s your life, not theirs.
I used to care about what other people thought of me & I can tell you I was not growing, happy or confident. I was living a very miserable life, trying to escape reality.
I have met so many amazing people, new experiences & opportunities, because I put myself out there, got uncomfortable and did the things below. It was a process but I got there in the end.
I will go over 14 ways that will help you get over this fear.. things I wish I knew earlier on in life.
1. They probably won’t even say anything.
False Evidence Appearing Real. FEAR. You are scared of what someone may or may not say… you have made it up in your mind. If they say something so what? Fear is only a risk if you die from the outcome. So think when you are going to do something that could result in someone having an opinion on you.. would you die? no.
2. Remove them.
You cannot allow the opinion of a person to negatively impact you. You ALWAYS have the power to remove them from real life & off your phone. You choose who & what is in your life, so do not be afraid to press the block button or remove.
3. Everyone gets hate.
It is not all sunshine and rainbows. If you have haters, you are doing something right. Most people would not post the hate, they just push through it and use it as motivation.
4. You will never please everyone.
Everyone is unique in their way, you cannot please everyone. If everyone was the same life would be boring with no excitement. It is nice to hear different opinions we can all learn something new.
5. The thing that you’re afraid to do could change your life.
For example, you could be that person who wants to make a Youtube channel, but you are scared of what people will think. Think in the long run about how making that channel could change your life & also impact others. Don not let other people put you off from living your dream.
6. Remember you get one life.
Live your life how you want to live it. Time is not waiting for anyone, you are wasting time by not going after what you want! You were placed here for a reason, so make sure you live out your full purpose. Do whatever you want, risks are better than living in fear.
7. Do it with confidence.
If you do whatever it is that you want to do with confidence it is less likely that you will feel any negative emotions & care less. People admire people with bold confidence & they will be less likely to say anything negative.
8. Would you buy the lifestyle of those who have the opinions?
It is only ever going to be people who are below you that have negative opinions about you or bad things to say. Anyone headed in the same direction as you, or ahead of you would not have bad things to say. If you would not buy their lifestyle.. do not buy their opinion.
9. Everything you want lays on the other side of your comfort zone.
If you were where you want to be, everything you want would lay in your comfort zone.. but it does not. Leaving your comfort zone is a major life skill that one must master. Greatness lies on the other side of your comfort zone, you just need to get uncomfortable. You only grow when you are uncomfortable.
10. Respect & trust yourself.
It is your life & you are the author. You were born alone & your longest relationship is with yourself. You will regret not trusting yourself down the line, it is almost like you have betrayed yourself.
11. No one cares.
People are most worried about themselves than anyone else. You think people are watching but they are not. Get this idea out of your mind. For example, you are scared to go for lunch alone.. how many times have you seen someone eating alone? Have you pointed & laughed at them? Have you said negative things about him? No. That person has no cares in the world about what other people think. Try it.
12. Everyone messes up.
No one is perfect, we all make mistakes but they are lessons that we must learn from. They allow us to grow & make us stronger. People would not even know if you mess up, just be bold and confident and act as though that was meant to happen.
13. You set yourself free.
Think about how many things are holding you back right now. Let go of that voice inside your head, think about how free you will feel.
14. Know that you will truly become happier.
Life will become so much happier & peaceful. All everyone wants is to be happy & live in peace. You were born to please yourself. So if you are seeking a life of happiness & peace.. let go!
Final thoughts.
Please take all of this into consideration & practice it. Knowledge is power when applied. It will be a journey but imagine at the end how great you will feel. Small steps & celebrate the small steps.
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With love,